We provide VARIOUS TYPES OF COMMERCIAL VEHICLE BODY. They are categories into two groups: Commercial Trailer AND Commercial Rigid Vehicle Body. Also, we provide after sales service.

Commercial Trailer

Improved design for safety and durability
Maximize goods load
Fabricated to fit the goods size
JPJ approved plan
Excellent after sales service

Hydrogen Cylinder Trailer
Skeletal Container Trailer
Liquid Oxygen Trailer
Liquid Nitrogen Trailer
Liquid Dioxide Trailer
Anhydrous Ammonium Trailer
Wooden Cargo Trailer
Pallet Trailer
Drawbar & etc

Commercial Rigid
Vehicle Body

Unique compact design
Maximize goods load
User friendly
Excellent after sales service

Pallet Truck
Refuse Compactor
Concrete Mixer


A Free Consultation

Are you planning to get a commercial vehicle body for your business?

Apply below for a free consultancy session with one of our vehicle body specialist consultants. Our specialist consultants are deeply experienced, efficient, flexible and wholly focused on the benefit and value customers achieve from business solutions.